Source code for flowws_freud.SmoothBOD

import collections

import flowws
from flowws import Argument as Arg
import freud
import numpy as np

[docs]@flowws.add_stage_arguments class SmoothBOD(flowws.Stage): """Compute and display Bond Orientational Order Diagrams (BOODs)""" ARGS = [ Arg('num_neighbors', '-n', int, default=4, help='Number of neighbors to compute'), Arg('use_distance', '-d', bool, default=False, help='Use distance, rather than num_neighbors, to find bonds'), Arg('r_max', type=float, default=2, help='Maximum radial distance if use_distance is given'), Arg('on_surface', type=bool, default=True, help='Restrict the BOOD to be on the surface of a sphere'), Arg('average', type=bool, default=False, help='If True, average the BOOD'), Arg('average_keys', type=[str], help='List of scope keys to generate distinct series when averaging'), ] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._data_cache = collections.defaultdict(list) self._run_cache_keys = set() super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def run(self, scope, storage): """Compute the bonds in the system""" box =['box']) positions = scope['position'] aq = freud.AABBQuery(box, positions) args = dict(num_neighbors=self.arguments['num_neighbors'], exclude_ii=True, r_guess=self.arguments['r_max']) if self.arguments['use_distance']: args['mode'] = 'ball' args['r_max'] = self.arguments['r_max'] nlist = aq.query(positions, args).toNeighborList() rijs = positions[nlist.point_indices] - positions[nlist.query_point_indices] bonds = box.wrap(rijs) key_names = self.arguments.get('average_keys', []) self._last_data_key = tuple(scope[name] for name in key_names) if self.arguments['average']: if scope.get('cache_key', object()) not in self._run_cache_keys: self._data_cache[self._last_data_key].append(bonds) if 'cache_key' in scope: self._run_cache_keys.add(scope['cache_key']) else: self._data_cache[self._last_data_key] = [bonds] scope['SmoothBOD.bonds'] = bonds scope.setdefault('visuals', []).append(self) scope.setdefault('visual_link_rotation', []).append(self)
def draw_plato(self): import plato, plato.draw as draw bonds = np.concatenate(self._data_cache[self._last_data_key], axis=0) prim = draw.SpherePoints(points=bonds, on_surface=self.arguments['on_surface']) scene = draw.Scene(prim, size=(3, 3), pixel_scale=100, features=dict(additive_rendering=dict(invert=True))) return scene